New Door

8:33 AM at 8:33 AM

It's been a busy weekend. As you can see from the pictures below, I spent most of it attempting to hang a door. First came the demolition, which was incredibly messy but also incredibly fun. Nothing beats putting a hammer through a wall just for the hell of it. Cutting in the hinges was alright, but I don't think I am destined to be a wood carver anytime soon. But now that the door is 80% in, I think we can all agree that it's going to be killer. And, just for those of you keeping score at home, that jamb is balls on plumb.

Here you can see the start of what the kitchen will look like with the relocated door. The stove will be against the new wall, with a small counter next to it, some upper cabinets with a microwave. Should be killer. We've got the technology, we can make it better, faster, stronger. Now all we need is time.
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7:42 AM at 7:42 AM

So apparently there has been some confusion over my allegedly shaven head. Rest assured, I have not shaven my head...not yet anyway. I am not quite that bald yet and until that time I will be keeping my flowing locks. Note the picture of me below taking a well timed (and staged) bite of a donut as proof positive of my hair-ed position. Also check out the post painting pictures. The job looks so good a professional could have done it.

Mmmm....dooonut...and hair

Sweet action

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...with a little help from my friends

3:23 PM at 3:23 PM

Ah the joys of a group painting party. Honestly, why would you spend your Saturday any other way? We got a bunch of friends together (thanks everybody!) and knocked out the living and dining rooms in one fell swoop. Soon, it will stop looking like a construction site and start looking like a home (Katie is quite pleased about that concept.) Honestly, we can't thank everyone enough who lent their skill and labor, it would have taken us literally all weekend to do what everyone working together did in about 2 hours.

It's the simple pleasures in life, really...

Despite his pleasant looking face, it's clear Tbone is not pleased with his saturday.

It's chopstick, not beige.

Way to go Goldie.
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Lots of stuff.

8:13 PM at 8:13 PM

So it's been a while since we posted anything about whatever, but we have been a touch busy. The floors are all done and still look great. Mike and Kathy helped us out immensely by painting two of our rooms, the bedroom and the office. We had to move everything that we own (that isn't still at one of our parents' houses) in, which has slowed our progress down considerably. You can see in some of the lower pictures how much shit we have that is just sitting in the middle of the room.

It is somewhat hard to believe that we own this much stuff...not to mention the fact that we own this house. Home owners. Weird. Though really, the bank owns it and we are merely paying them to live not too much has changed. This week we have a plaster guy coming to fix the walls in our living and dining rooms. After spending 5 hours removing 4 layers of wallpaper (about 5 feet of it) we decided that it was going to be too difficult to deal with taking the wallpaper off. Plus there was some hidden plaster damage. So this guy is coming on monday and we had to prep the walls for him, which meant a 5 hour sanding session for Katie and I and then another 5 hour priming party with a sealant. Quite tired. We'll have more pictures and posts as the dude, affectionately refereed to as "the wizard," does his stuff.

Kona has had a rough couple days...she has been hitting the sauce pretty hard.

Here the walls are all primed, and you can see all our shit.