Also too big...

10:19 PM at 10:19 PM

But it will be super cute super soon.

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Too Big!

10:18 PM at 10:18 PM

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One cool baby

10:05 PM at 10:05 PM

Some playtime with a visually stimulating (read: kind of busy for our tastes, good for baby) play mat. Also some super cool clothes. Thanks secret gift giver! (note: the gift giver is not actually secret, I just don't remember who it was who gave it to us. Katie is much better at this than I am. But you know who are, mr/mrs secret gift giver.)

Shot(s) day

9:15 AM at 9:15 AM

Oh noes!

- Posted from my iPhone


7:22 PM at 7:22 PM

Look at that sweet head holding-up action.

- Posted from my iPhone