Mugshot for the ages

5:39 PM at 5:39 PM

Projects continue to roll on. I finished putting a new light, switch and outlet in the pantry, and a new light fixture in the hallway. This task involved a lot of above-ceiling work, moving insulation, etc. As a result, I spent most of the day completely filthy...this lovely picture shows the state in which I spent most of the afternoon.

Unfortunately, I think I bear a passing resemblance to this guy.

The stand-in for our child (the cat) is still cute and does not enjoy all of the construction. She had to go to the vet to get her rabies vaccine (which I am told was a traumatic experience for her, the vet and Katie). When she was there she got weighed. She is 350% times larger than when we first got her...only 4 months ago. That would be like me gaining 5 and a half pounds every day for 4 months. I'd be dead. She, on the other hand, is still cute.

I'll put some pictures of the house up soon. Despite all the work I've done, it really doesn't look any different or better. Some (Katie) might say it looks worse.
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G said...

Quit huffing spray paint!

Jessica said...

Looks great! I am so glad that I finally stopped by to see the house (well in a virtual kind of way) but so sorry that I have been no help to you two on the remodel.

Give Matt a call - see if you can make him usefull, he's just claiming to mope around saying that he misses me while I am here in S Africa, but I don't beleive him. It would be good for him to do some good ole grunt work, I think he is getting pretty weak.

mistahphil said...

You look fantastic. Also, I'm apparently starting my own blog. No telling how long it will last.