New Camera!

11:12 PM at 11:12 PM

So here are some pictures that I took with my new camera. Tristan was kind enough to tell me how to post more than 4 pictures at once (damn you Picasa!) so everyone gets a whole bunch at once. It should be noted (duly, I might add) that Katie is not in any of these photos, though she is my wife and should be my main subject. Katie had to work Christmas Eve night and Christmas Day morning, meaning she got about 3 hours of sleep. She threatened to hurt me if I took pictures of her that night. So I didn't. But there will be more to come.

Our tree.

This is actually the first picture that I took...and a similar one is the first picture Gina took.

Snow-covered trees.

Meringue (future kind of had to be there)

Our neighbor's chimney looked toasty.


I was not, though I was looking coy.

Sister and -in-law.

Wreath... super high def.

And a cat playing Monopoly. She was really bad though, all she did was build up Baltic Avenue. Amateur.


Terri said...

Great Pics! I love the one of Garry.

Terri said...

Great Pics! I love the one of Garry.