What happened to November?

9:48 PM at 9:48 PM

So, I have a story to tell. This is a story that Derek described as "so John." As I had mentioned earlier, I lost my camera charging cable, thus rendering my camera pretty useless. Since I have never been that big a fan of blogs that only post words, or rants, or whatever, I have not been terribly motivated to post that often. What I was (eventually) motivated enough to do was suck it up and call Casio to buy another charger. As fortune would have it, they were not as expensive ($15) as I was originally told ($60). So I purchased one and waited for it to arrive. I've done a lot to the house and so I was anxious to get it and charge up my camera and start taking more pictures of the work that I had done. Plus, it was a few days before Katie and I were going with my family to Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, for their annual Thanksgiving retreat. I was all ready to go.

The big day finally arrived I unpacked my charger with glee. I grabbed my cradle and got it all set up and then went for my camera. Or where I thought my camera was. In its place was nothing. I searched my house (again) from top to bottom to try and find my camera, and came up empty handed. I have no idea where my camera wandered off to. I do not know if it is still in the house. I don't remember the last time I actually laid eyes on it, since it wasn't charged I didn't pay it much mind. Now my camera, not my cord, is totally missing.

Oh, and in an additional piece of "X-treme irony" (thanks Derek!), while I was searching for my camera, I found the original camera charger that started this whole nonsense. (...to be fair it was in the basement...in a box...in another box...in the far, dark corner, by the furnace...why it was there, I do not know.)

In any event, I borrowed a camera from work (thanks work!) and took a couple of pictures of the house and some of the stuff that I've done.

These are the new extended hot and cold water supply lines that I ran to relocate the sink. My dad helped me out a whole lot and I wouldn't have been able to do it without him.

This is the mess of pipes that we ended up having to replace because we were arrogant and in a hurry.

This is just a really cute picture of Kona in our new sink.

Since the last pictorial update, the pantry has been finished, the hallway completely painted, cabinets installed, counter top installed, kitchen painted, sink installed, and a dishwasher installed (finished just as I started writing this, the first cycle is still going!).
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